Frequently Asked Questions

HypnosisVibes is owned and operated by a small group of hypnotists who sincerely believe that therapeutic hypnosis can make a real, positive difference in anyone’s life. Our expanding group of hypnosis leaders come from around the globe, united in our mission to alleviate suffering, improve confidence and provide all of our clients a relaxing, enjoyable hypnotic experience.

We do sessions in English, Spanish, French, German and other languages via Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom or similar applications, as well as custom audio recordings.

The services provided by HypnosisVibes are not intended to replace or replace the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional, but rather to complement your existing treatment plan. Do not interrupt any prescribed medical treatment without consulting your doctor. Everyone responds to hypnosis differently, and each person’s health problem is unique. The HypnosisVibes Hypnotic Guides will work with you to find the best approach for you.

Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act of inducing hypnosis.[

There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena. Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary state of consciousness. In contrast, nonstate theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect, a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist[ or form of imaginative role enactment.

Hypnosis can provide many benefits to alleviate suffering. Many diseases, while rooted in physical causes, have a psychological, emotional, and even spiritual component when it comes to how our bodies respond and our success in overcoming them. Mentality and mental health are an important factor in all types of medical care. Hypnosis has been shown to have positive effects by working with modern medicine to relieve pain, reduce symptoms, and sometimes even speed healing. Hypnosis can also help us reinforce the behavioral and psychological changes necessary to successfully combat an illness, such as: help a newly diagnosed diabetic to accept fear of needles so that they can more successfully maintain their tests and medication regimen. Address the emotional and psychological aspects of consumption patterns, self-image, willpower, and motivation for the person struggling to lose weight or overcome an addiction. Assist a cancer patient through the side effects of difficult treatments and address the fears and anxieties that accompany a major illness.

If we understand hypnosis as a focused state of attention, where the loss of consciousness or the lack of memory about what has happened in the session does not necessarily have to occur, the resounding answer is YES. But if we understand this question as if everyone can reach deep trance (sleepwalking) – understood in terms of classical hypnosis – with almost total suggestibility and loss of consciousness, the answer would be a relative NO.

Getting a light to medium trance is relatively easy. Reaching a deep trance is more complex; approximately 80% of subjects can reach a deep stage without much difficulty. The remaining 20% would find it difficult due to various complicated variables to know or control (fear of losing their consciousness, prejudices or beliefs, lack of confidence in the inductor, etc.) Despite this fact, if we use hypnosis at the clinical level or doctor, in most cases a medium trance is sufficient to obtain results

Hypnosis is essentially a technique. Therefore anyone who knows it well enough and learns to apply it, can hypnotize. Another thing is that the inductor then knows how to face and resolve the different situations that arise during the session. If the hypnotist does not have specific and sufficient theoretical-practical knowledge (even if it is a question of doctors or psychologists), it could cause serious harm to the hypnotized. Even more so if the inducer pursues illicit ends and tries to violate the physical, mental or moral integrity of the induced, which has happened numerous times, manipulating the hypnotized. In some countries, clinical hypnosis is only permitted to previously licensed and trained physicians and psychologists.

It is completely impossible for it to happen. Whether we practice self-hypnosis (about ourselves) or hetero-hypnosis, that is, about another person, we will always end up leaving the hypnotic state. If for any reason the hypnotist were to disappear, the induced subject would progressively pass from the hypnotic trance to natural sleep and would gradually wake up and clear. Sometimes it happens that the person is in a situation so placid that he refuses to wake up. In that case we can make a counter-suggestion such as: “If you want to stay or return to this state in the future, you must wake up now” – and will normally abandon hypnosis. Or we simply let it rest until it wakes up after a time that is usually short.

Hypnosis and all the states and similar techniques produce a great benefit to the organism, since it helps to eliminate physical or emotional tensions, slightly reduces blood pressure, regulates the heart and respiratory rhythms, balances the cerebral hemispheres and if we were to speak in energetic terms, rebalances the body’s bioenergy. So if we are normally healthy people, we will not be in any danger.

However, there are two absolute contraindications: in general, hypnosis should not be performed on people with schizophrenia or severe mental illness. Why? Because we could aggravate their symptoms apart from the fact that they would be difficult to induce. The second case is about people with epilepsy or who have had recent crises of this type: during hypnosis one of these crises could happen to them, so caution advises against submitting them.

Absolutely NOT. When hypnosis is used as a spectacle, the hypnotist usually presents himself with an aura of exceptional mental powers; This is part of the suggestive environment that the inductor will use to achieve its spectacular effects. It all depends on how suggestible and impressionable we are.

Really if a person does not want it, it is very difficult to be induced, unless there is such an extreme fear or conviction that the hypnotist has such (fictitious) power that our own belief or conviction will make us fall into hypnosis even sometimes instantly at the slightest suggestion or touch of the inductor. No special skills are required to hypnotize, although a minimum of skills are required. For example, a shy, doubtful and insecure person would be a bad hypnotist or hypnotist.

Of course. Self-hypnosis is one of the most interesting aspects of this technique. For this we can use -for example- a cassette, where we will record an induction to gradually relax, including suggestions such as: “I am getting calmer, my muscles are letting go, little by little I am feeling a pleasant and deep dream … “In the end, we will add the suggestions that we want to implement for various purposes, such as studying more and better, quitting tobacco, being calmer, etc.

Spiritual/Esoteric hypnotherapy is a state and process of spiritual re-awakening, re-learning and re-structuring that takes place entirely during profound levels of hypnosis. Many people and therapists have used hypnosis over the years, putting people into a trance state and giving suggestions. True spiritual or esoteric hypnosis is putting people into Spirit, doing deep profound work such as past life regression, inner child work, and entity- releasement, even exorcism. All of these healing modalities are tools and have one thing in common… the eradication of fear.